Thursday, September 15, 2011

6 months!

Cate had her 6 month appointment today! Aside from waiting for the doctor for an hour (no exaggeration!) everything was great!

Cate is still right on the 75th percentiles for head circumference and weight. She's still in the 90-95 percentiles for length.

She's doing everything she's supposed to do. Dr. M was stunned when she heard how well and how much Cate eats. She was kind of rattling off 2 oz jars of vegetables, 2 oz jars of fruit, and 2-3 tablespoons of cereal. I laughed. She eats at least a cup of cereal, and 4 oz of veggies every night. We haven't really started fruits yet, except bananas. Peaches are next week, I think.

Dr. M also said Cate is old enough now that we can start giving her Alle.gra for her eczema. I'm super excited about this, because it really seems to bother Cate. She is constantly scratching her leg or her head. Hopefully this will help.

I was super proud of our girl today. We got to the Dr. at 4:05, and didn't leave until 5:35. And Cate was fantastic. She got really fussy about 5, because she had her last bottle early at daycare and was hungry. Luckily, I had a bottle in the bag that she sucked down in minutes. I had really thought we'd be home in time for her to actually eat, but apparently not.

She got lots of vaccinations, including a flu shot, but only cried for maybe 30 seconds. As I told her today, she really is the bee's knees. She thought that was funny, but not as funny as when I go "BRRRRRRR". That's hilarious! :)

1 comment:

  1. So great Cate loves her food so much! I sure hope the eczema is eased by the Alle.gra - I remember that itchy annoyance myself (in my early teens though) - very happy to grow out of it after that.
